Here are some links for our worship leaders to use when planning worship services…..
Song Ideas – Lectionary Based
Singing from the Lectionary – a website put together by a Uniting Church Member that suggests songs for the lectionary – excellent suggestions.
Together to Celebrate – David McGregor’s website suggests songs that go with the lectionary readings – about four weeks in advance.
Song Select – has an extensive list of songs with very recent music. You need an account to log in – see Nicole to get one.
Service Outlines – Lectionary Based
These sites have either ideas for an entire worship service, or have ideas for different elements that could be included – based around the lectionary readings.
L3 weekly worship resources will be provided by the Worship Coordinator.
Remember that Spill the Beans worship resource is also available to use – see the Minister.
Area52 from has some great multimedia and other alternative ways of engaging with suggestions that follow the weekly lectionary, or you can use the search tool to search by theme or bible reading. If you find something you want to use, you need to create an account before you can download, but its free.
Worshipping with Children – Lectionary based ideas from Carolyn Brown, USA – good start for kids talk ideas and intergenerational services – but many of her ideas can be adapted to bring something different to a service for all ages.
Bruce Prewers Home Page resources for worship can be found at this site, created by retired Uniting Church minister Bruce Prewer.
Mustard Seeds – Lectionary based ideas by Rev Ann Scull, UCA
Liturgies Online contains liturgies written by Moira Laidlaw for the Uniting Church – available to download for a small fee.
Bill Loader’s Homepage: visit this website for lectionary resources and reflective writings.
The text this week is a website for worship resources including commentaries on Scripture and services.
Lectionary: links to online text for all Bible readings from the lectionary.
General Resources
The Bible Project has free videos about various stories and aspects of the Bible with a focus on the whole story of the bible.
Amelia Koh Butler’s Blog has several varied ideas if for acknowledgement of country.
Prayers that Unite – a UC Facebook Group – this is a public group – anyone can see the content.
Forming Faith, Growing Disciples – a UC Facebook Group – this is a closed group – you have to join to see the content.
The Centre for Music, Liturgy and the Arts (CMLA) is a South Australian Uniting Church resource centre that has some interesting material.
Craig Mitchell’s Website has all sorts of great worship resources including multimedia – check out the resources tab.
Laughing Bird Liturgical Resources: contains liturgies and Scriptural paraphases.
Project Reconnect: offers a unique worship resource sponsored by the local congregations in the area (
Worship and Preaching Resources: created by retired Uniting Church minister Rev David Beswick
The Billabong: worship resources from Rev Jeff Shrowder, Uniting Church Minister.
Resources Specific to BUC
Our Worship Leaders Service Guide is available for download.
Here is a Church-Service-PowerPoint-template.pptx if you need some help getting started.