We thank everyone who contributes to our Church community in one way or another, whether it be financial or volunteering your time.
If you would like to volunteer, or perhaps you have some new ideas for activities or fundraising, please speak to our Minister Rev Scott Litchfield, or to any one of our Council Exec team – Marcus (Chair) or Andrea (Secretary).
If you would like to offer a financial contribution, we have three options you may like to consider:
1. If you prefer to e-give, please complete the form found here and return to UC Invest. This will enable funds to be transferred electronically from your account to Bridgewater Uniting Church.
2. We also have a small bowl in our entrance foyer available for monetary gifts.
3. The simplest and preferred way is to make an electronic deposit into the church’s bank account held with the Credit Union SA Ltd.
The name of the account is:
BSB 805 007. ACCOUNT NO 00703017.
It would be helpful to describe what the payment is for such as “offering”; “donation to Arts Centre”; “cleaning”; “Christmas Bowl Appeal” etc so the funds can be put towards the right cause.
Thank you for being a part of the Bridgewater Uniting community.