Bookings @ Bridgewater UC

To make a booking for the main worship space or The Oak or The Acorn Room please contact Julie on 0403 680 190 or email or contact us at

Our current booking costs can be found in this document – Hiring Fees for BUC Facilities 2024

Information about the Acorn room for users

Information about The Oak for users

In order to minimise the costs associated with this type of facility, we use the Uniting Church’s Insurance. A requirement of the Insurance policy is to complete a user agreement form.

As a result all people or groups wishing to use The Oak or the Acorn room are required to complete and return a user agreement form prior to the use of the facility.

Also to help us keep the costs down we require all users to return the furniture to a standard layout ready for the next users. For details of the standard setup, see the photographs on the back of the main entrance door.